Euro truck simulator 2 sleep
Euro truck simulator 2 sleep

If there are no high paying jobs, just grab a short distance job to a nearby city and try again there. This will list ONLY jobs originating in that city. Never travel empty – When you go to job selection, click on the dot on the map for the city you’re in. For the really long jobs you’ll have time to sleep 2 or 3 times and have time to spare for checking out new towns along your route. Most jobs will allot you enough time to sleep once, especially after you put a few points in the long distance skill, which you’ll want to do early on. Hit F6 to see exactly how much longer you have before you get sleepy Start looking for a place to park after the first yawn, no sooner. Every time you rest it’s going to burn 8 hours, even if you’re not that tired yet.

euro truck simulator 2 sleep

Sleep efficiency – There is no such thing as a partial rest. Running with cruise control it’s easy to get in the zone and miss a speed limit sign. Watch the speed limit signs though, especially in areas where speed cameras are common. Building on that, set your cruise tolerance to zero, turn on auto retarder. I played about 10 hours without it and I can’t even guess how many speeding violations I got or how many times out of fear of getting them I travelled under the speed limit costing me time. If you find yourself braking mid turn to wait for your steering to catch up, this is a must.Ĭruise control – Use it.

euro truck simulator 2 sleep

Matter of taste, but the default steering is just too slow for cornering at speed. This allows you to slap your look stick left and right to scan intersections quickly without accidentally ending up staring at the floor or roof of your cab. Increase your up/down look deadzone significantly. Set your triggers to acceleration and braking. I use an Xbox One controller and these settings help out a lot. This guide is focused more at newer players, but hopefully even folks that have been playing for a while will get something out of it. Stuff that I’ve found out through experimentation to enhance the ETS 2 experience. Euro Truck Simulator 2 General hints and tipsĪfter about 150+ hours in-game I’ve decided to share some wisdom.

Euro truck simulator 2 sleep